Saturday, August 7, 2010


My best friend flew in from CA on Thursday (eeeep!) and we're spending three days in *bleeeeeeped location, don't want any internet stalkers* before going home. Yay! I'm so excited for her to be here.

So yesterday we went to the Aquarium and then the State Capitol. I picked the Aquarium (big surprise, lol) and she saw the State Capitol driving in and wanted to go there. The aquarium was awesome! I haven't seen my fishy friends in a long time.
I think the last time I went to an aquarium I was about 10 o.O. My favorite were the sharks. They had some girls dressed up as mermaids for pics with kids, but they were totally un-authentic and my bff says I'm totally the real deal :D That made my day.

The State Capitol was AMAZZZZING and we totally felt like we were in National Treasure walking around.

There are three levels and then the dome ceiling, so we started running up stairs and taking pictures. When we got to the second floor there were several tourists and a group walking around, but Lisa (my bff) wanted to go higher, so we found some stairs off in a hallway and took them up.

There was literally no one else up there, so we were feeling kind of rebellious and there was a real feeling of adventure to it :P Below is the view from the "forbidden stairs".

We took some pics and video and then went back down. But it was pretty darn awesome. *the pics in this post are mine btw*

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