Sunday, October 10, 2010

to the people with whom I conversated

I was going through all of my old docs today and I found a few chat convos I had saved, and some random jokes. I'm not disclosing any of the names of the people with whom I had these conversations or anything, but I will tell you which one is me and what relationship I have with the other person.

Me + E: My friend
Me: I need new shoes...but I don't have the money. So I'm going to dress up like a beggar, and put on an English accent and sit in the street, covered in mud.
E: well okay
Me: And ask people for money.
E: Just look both ways before sitting in the street.
Me: And if they say no I'll staple them with a stapler. So there.
E: Wow. That's vicious.
Me: Of course, sitting in the mud will make my worn out shoes even worse so it kind of defeats the purpose....... :/ Lol
E: True dat. Lol

It was totally random but I find it to be a funny memory.

Me + S: My brother.
This one requires a little backstory before you begin reading. It was the night before my 17th birthday, around 11:55ish. I had told my bro (who was away at school atm) that I wasn't going to grow up and instead I was going to go to Neverland that night and I would be 16 forever. He made a joke about catching a flight on the "pixie plane", so that's what that whole deal is.

any spare seats on the pixieplane?
just one
alright, I want an aisle seat in first class
hurry up
(And the clock strikes twelve)
Wow. I'm 17 now.
no you're not.
and 2 minutes
you're on hte pixieplane
oh yeah nevermind
but tinkerbell pantsed me so I missed it
the pixie dust messes with my brain
She doesn't like you
I know, I'm too awesome for my shirt

That one is really a favorite of mine. We have the "pixie plane" joke at all of my birthday stuff now. :) I think my flight got delayed though. Still waitin', Peter! lol

The French Ditcher
One day my sister and I were talking about this Thanksgiving ding-dong-ditch thing our church was doing. It's a lot better than it sounds, lol. We make up thanksgiving dinner baskets and ding-dong-ditch someone's house. We leave them at the door of less fortunate people. Anyway, my sister for some reason was joking in a French accent (o.O) and said this.
*Knock on the door* "Hello, I am a French ditcher! And I am here to join your league of ding-dong-ditchings!"
Totally weird, I know. It's hard to get why it's funny unless you heard her. My sister is like this mad comedian person and she had the accent and like a funny face and everything :P

Well that's it for the moment, read my other post about the princess bride stuff :P lol well you don't have to. But yeah I hope you understood some of this, if you even read past the first one.

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