Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tut tut, it looks like rain!

Well I'm hoping it will in the morning. It is currently 11:31pm and I should be asleep, but almost EVERY Thursday night I stay up way too late and end up off-schedule for the rest of the weekend. I guess it's because Thursday is my last school day of the week, so it's kind of my stress reliever/rebellion/FREEDOM! thing. Do you have one?

Today's been one of those days where I've really been wanting it to rain. I think it's supposed to rain/snow during the night but I want a really good, heavy rain during the day tomorrow. I've elected to stay home anyway, so it would be nice to curl up and watch the rain.

I've been thinking about what to do over the summer. I am going to really get into - and hopefully finish- my Twilight thesis/analysis. I also want to get some new books because I haven't read anything not school-related in a while, and it will combat the lack of IQ in Twilight. I was thinking about maybe trying my hand at writing a children's story just for fun. Not like to published or anything but if Madonna can do it, then I most certainly can. And probably better! lol.'s really late and I'm having trouble thinking of anything else to I'd better get going.

But I can't forget the random picture! Today is thank-God-It's-Bride Day on TLC, which means Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings will be on (my faves). So there's my favorite Kleinfeld consultant, Keisha working her magic.

So that's it for now, I'm turning in. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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