Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Miley Cyrus can't be tamed.

Miley's new video is out. Here it is: Can't be Tamed - Miley Cyrus

So now I'm going to proceed to list off the things I find disturbing or wrong about this (Mind you, it might take a while).

1) Miley is obviously sexed up - a LOT. Problem is that she is not a sexy girl, so it seems like an act. From Miley's actions lately, I think it's fair to say that this video was her idea or that she completely agrees with it. But to be fair since she is underage, I will give her the benefit of the doubt on this one, and say that she has been exposed far too much by (most likely) her parents and producers. And Miley being sexy just doesn't work. She is not - repeat not - no matter how little she is wearing - a sexy girl. She's not Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johannson or Rihanna.

2) She looks like she's semi/almost making out with guys AND girls in this video. She's still underage. That's way beyond inappropriate. I know some guys find that behavior hot, but that is so wrong.

3) In the background - all of the other bird/dancer things. It looks like all sorts of inappropriate/perverted/disturbing activity is going on. That's not the kind of thing that can be taken the wrong way. It's obvious what's going on. There's one in particular around 1:27 that looks like its doing some stuff to Miley.

4) The other dancers are literally in underwear - and some of them are exposing their backsides. Nuff said.

5) I thought she said (in a Miley & Mandy vid) that she was a Christian. That she sings, dances, and acts for Jesus. I can tell most certainly in this video that she IS NOT a Christian. Oh yeah, and she says something about telling people to go to hell. Inappropriateness again.

6) Stripper much? Oh my goodness! I have NEVER seen that much grinding in a music video for someone under 21. She's also laying on the ground writhing around. So much for the "I'm a virgin!" ploy too.

7) I'm actually really worried about what was going on when the cameras weren't filming on that set. I hope Miley's okay.

Miley is heading down the road to destruction faster than LiLo and Britney put together. That's really sad.

I guess the song is titled appropriately though. Miley obviously can't be tamed. Since she's under 18 she technically can't be blamed either. But I don't see herself or her career going anywhere past the age of 22. There's only so much you can do with so little talent.

Anyone remember cute little pre-perversion Miley? This is so drastic a change in only a few years, especially for someone who isn't even 18 yet.


  1. I AGREE!!!
    She's not Christian
    She's not Sexy
    She's NOT doing well for herself.
    Stuff like this definitely says "let all the little girls be sluts and whores"
    She has so many followers who are YOUNG GIRLS! She even had an episode on HM about this kinda stuff. What she does anytime is what the little girls want to do. She dresses up in underwear and grinds on grown ups yeah say hello to more rapes and pedos.
    She's dropping faster than her daddy's song when he was a 1HW. ouch.
    Thank GOD for Selena Gomez!!!

  2. I'm glad someone agrees with me! :)It's so irresponsible.

    Yes Selena Gomez is definitely not headed for the same place as her. It's nice to see someone who isn't a fame whore like Miley!
