Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Princess and the Frog movie review

I went to see The Princess and the Frog the day it came out. WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!

Wow. There was so much hype for this movie - Disney's return to hand-drawn animation, Disney's first black princess...What you should know is: This is NOT your typical princess movie. It is more of an adventure film than a princessy romance. After seeing the movie, Tiana did not come across as a princess to me because many of the elements that are usually in a Disney Princess movie were not there with this one. Yes, there is romance, a happy ending, and a prince, but... I don't know. Perhaps it was the fact that most of the movie shows our prince and princess in frog form, or that there was more hopping that wistful glances going on. Granted, of course, it is called The Princess and the Frog. For me, it was kind of a disappointment because I was expecting a romance princess movie...instead I got an animal adventure movie.

All in all though, the movie was cute and enjoyable, but I'm still a little puzzled since I had so many expectations - ones that were replaced with different themes in the movie. The only big disappointment with this movie is the score - not the musical singing numbers, but the instrumental. Randy Newman makes the whole movie feel like Toy Story because of the lack of creative influence he put into it. "Almost There" is a great song that Tiana sings before turning into a frog, about how hard she has worked for her dream and how she is "almost there". Other than that, no other songs stick out to me - I wish Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz (Enchanted) had taken this one.

Princess Tiana is a very self-confident woman who will be a great example to younger girls because she works for what she wants; her wants are not given to her. Prince Naveen shows her how to let loose some and she in return helps him to learn things he never had the oppurtunity to learn how to do.

Overall: 6.5 / 10

Random pic! A beyond-adorable puppy!!!!! *Awwwwwwww*

So what is your take on Princess and the Frog?

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